Fun Printable Anatomy Organ System Flashcards for Kids

Human Body Learning Lab Organ System Flashcards for Kids

Nervous system, respiratory system, urinary system…With such long names, it’s hard to remember anatomy words! Good news: anatomy flashcards can help kids learn the organ systems. You can print and use the flashcards today.

These anatomy flashcards feature beautiful illustrations and simple explanations from the Human Body Learning Lab book. With flashcards, kids can learn through playful games. The organ system flashcards can also be a handy reference when you want to check a definition quickly.

Supplies for anatomy organ system flashcards

  • Color printer
  • Card stock paper
  • Scissors or paper trimmer
  • Optional:
    • Laminator and laminating sheets
    • Corner cutter
  • Printable Human Body Learning Lab anatomy flashcards

Please complete the form on the Human Body Learning Lab book page to sign up and download the anatomy flashcards.

human body learning lab organ system anatomy flashcards

How to set up printable anatomy flashcards

  1. Print single-sided or double-sided on card stock paper. (Follow your printer’s instructions for how to print.)
  2. Cut along the lines with scissors.
  3. Optional: laminate for extra durability.
  4. If printing single-sided, consider taping flashcards’ front and back sides together.
  5. Kids can read both sides of the flashcard independently or with a parent, teacher, or friend.
Human Body Learning Lab Anatomy Flashcards

Ways to learn and play with anatomy organ system flashcards

These anatomy flashcards can help kids understand big words in human body books. Here are some ways to make learning interactive and fun!

It’s a race!

  • Spread the flashcards on the floor with the organ system names facing up.
  • As one person describes the organ system, the other people race to the organ system’s card that’s being described.

Organ system charades

  • Shuffle the anatomy flashcards.
  • Draw a card.
  • Act out the organ system to the best of your ability without telling anyone the name of the organ system.
  • Everyone else tries to guess what the organ system is!
girl covering eyes

Which anatomy flashcard is missing?

  • Lay the flashcards on a table or the floor.
  • After reviewing the cards, close your eyes. Then, someone will take away one card.
  • Open your eyes and see which flashcard is missing.

Anatomy memory matching flashcard games

Option A: Organ system name/picture card to description matching

  1. Print the flashcards single-sided so that the back of each flashcard is blank.
  2. Turn the cards face down on a table.
  3. Match the organ system card with the description card!

Option B: Organ system flashcard picture-matching

  1. Print two copies of the picture side of the anatomy flashcards.
  2. Turn the cards face down on a table.
  3. Find the matching organ system pictures!

Option C: Organ system description matching

  1. Print two copies of the description side of the flashcards.
  2. Turn the cards face down on a table.
  3. Find the matching organ system descriptions!

Learn more about the amazing human anatomy!

Published on September 26, 2022. Updated on December 30, 2023 by Betty Choi, MD

Published on September 26, 2022. Updated on December 30, 2023 by Betty Choi, MD

Dr. Betty Choi pediatrician

Betty Choi, MD

Dr. Betty Choi is a Harvard-trained pediatrician who makes learning fun and doable. She created the kids’ anatomy book Human Body Learning Lab, which Science Magazine recommended as a “notable standout in the genre.”