How Many Layers of Skin Do You Have?

3 Skin Layers Diagram  for kids - Epidermis, Dermis, Hypodermis

If you’ve suffered a cut, blister, or sunburn, you’ve had a peek inside your skin anatomy. Like a triple-tier cake, human skin has three layers of goodies inside. Each strand of hair is like a candle on top. Let’s learn what’s inside a skin anatomy diagram!

What does your skin do?

Your skin has a lot of different jobs! Here are just a few:

  • It protects your body.
  • It keeps your body temperature just right.
  • It helps you feel and touch things.

What are the three layers of human skin?

  • EPIDERMIS – the top skin layer
  • DERMIS – the middle skin layer
  • HYPODERMIS – the bottom skin layer

Your skin might seem thin, but it wraps up your body in powerful layers of protection from head to toe.

From outside in, let’s take a close-up look at the anatomy of each skin layer.

3 tier birthday cake like 3 layers of skin
Skin anatomy is like a 3-tier cake!

What does the top skin layer (epidermis) do?

Touch your arm and take a good look at the surface. You can feel and touch your top skin layer, which scientists call the epidermis.

The top skin layer acts like a coat of armor.

The epidermis keeps germs out of your body. It’s waterproof, too! Just like a jacket, it protects your skin from sun and rain.

Your fingernails and toenails are also a special part of your epidermis that protects you.

It works like a factory.

Every day, your epidermis sheds old, dead skin cells. At the same time, it’s very busy, constantly pushing out brand-new keratin-making cells called keratinocytes. Keratin is a protein that keeps your skin healthy and strong.

It gives you color.

Your epidermis has special melanin-making cells called melanocytes.

Different people have different amounts of melanocytes. That’s why people come in different shades of beige, tan, and brown.

diverse hands with different amounts of melanin

What does the middle skin layer (dermis) do?

The dermis is your skin anatomy’s middle layer. It has a lot of important jobs, too!

The middle skin layer holds your hair.

The roots of your hair are embedded in the dermis.

It moisturizes your skin.

waterproof skin from oil glands in the dermis layer

Oil glands make a sticky, waxy substance called sebum next to your hair follicles. Sebum makes your skin soft and waterproof.

Without sebum, your skin would be too dry.

On the other hand, too much sebum can clog your pores and cause painful pimples, especially during puberty.

It squirts out sweat.

When you’re hot, the sweat glands in your dermis make a liquid that cools off the surface of your skin. Sweat comes out of your epidermis through sweat pores.

It stays in touch with the world.

Nerve endings in your dermis help you know sharp, smooth, hot, cold, and other interesting sensations. These nerves send messages to your brain.

It holds lots of blood vessels.

Blood vessels give your skin fresh oxygen, vitamins, and minerals.

What does the bottom skin layer (hypodermis) do?

We’ve reached the deepest layer of your skin anatomy, the hypodermis. Since “hypo” means “under,” this word means “under the dermis.”

The bottom skin layer is filled with fat and connective tissue. It also has blood vessels and nerves.

This part of your skin anatomy has three main jobs.

The bottom skin layer cushions your body.

Fat acts like padding to protect muscles, bones, and delicate organs.

It stores energy.

When you exercise, the fat under your skin layers fuels your every move.

It keeps you warm.

It’s like a cozy blanket that insulates your body on chilly days.

fat cells in the hypodermis skin layer
Fat cells

Human skin layers anatomy diagram with labels

Can you find the different parts of the skin in this anatomy diagram? Do you remember the fun facts about each skin layer? Here’s a diagram and a list of the most important parts.

Skin Layers Anatomy Diagram - labeled for kids
  • EPIDERMIS: Keratinocytes, melanocytes
  • DERMIS: Nerves, hair follicles, oil glands, sweat glands, blood vessels
  • HYPODERMIS: Fat, connective tissue

Common questions about skin layers and anatomy

Can you guess the answers?

Which skin layer is the thinnest?

pores and hair in epidermis layer

The epidermis, the top layer, is the thinnest part of your skin.

Which skin layer is the thickest?

dermis middle skin layer anatomy diagram close up

The dermis — the middle layer of the anatomy diagram — is the thickest part of your skin.

Which body part has the thinnest skin?

thin eyelid skin

Compared to other body parts, your eyelids have the thinnest skin.

Which body part has the thickest skin?

feet have the thickest skin in the human body

Your feet have the thickest skin compared to other parts of your anatomy.

Learn more about your amazing anatomy!

Human Body Learning has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on information from peer-reviewed research studies, academic institutions, and medical associations.

Published on July 21, 2022. Updated on January 18, 2024 by Betty Choi, MD

Published on July 21, 2022. Updated on January 18, 2024 by Betty Choi, MD

Dr. Betty Choi pediatrician

Betty Choi, MD

Dr. Betty Choi is a Harvard-trained pediatrician who makes learning fun and doable. She created the kids’ anatomy book Human Body Learning Lab, which Science Magazine recommended as a “notable standout in the genre.”